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What would you do for lifetime tickets to every Beyoncé and Jay-Z concert? Would you, say, give up animal products forever?
If so, then you may actually have a shot.
Beyoncé made an announcement on Instagram that the couple is collaborating with The Greenprint Project to offer free lifetime tickets to one special fan who adopts a vegan diet.

Photo Credit: Beyonce
The sweepstakes’ rules consist of a very long list of fine print, but, amazingly, all you have to do to enter is submit your name and email address. The value of the lifetime ticket is around $12,000, and only adult US residents are eligible to win.
If this contest seems a little random, you must’ve missed the memo on Beyoncé’s years-long enthusiasm for veganism. In 2013, Bey and Jay both went on a 22-day vegan “cleanse.” Last year, they wrote a joint introduction to The Greenprint: Plant-Based Diet, Best Body, Better World.

Photo Credit: Beyonce
“We all have a responsibility to stand up for our health and the health of the planet,” they wrote.
“Let’s take this stand together. Let’s spread the truth. Let’s make this mission a movement.”
Veganism is already an increasingly popular lifestyle. But never-ending tickets to some of the most mind-blowing concerts in the world certainly couldn’t hurt.