
Can You Solve These 5 Riddles That Are Stumping the Internet?


If you like a challenge, then these 5 riddles should be right up your alley. They’re stumping people right and left, so make sure and take your bragging rights with you if you get them all right!

#5. Jeepers Peepers

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#5. What has 4 eyes but can’t see?

Continue reading for another riddle!

#4. Light as a feather…

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#4. What is as light as a feather but can’t be held for long?

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#3. Yours…but not?

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#3. What belongs to you but is more often used by others?

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#2. Once, twice, never…

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#2. What do you see once in a year, twice in a week, and never in a day?

Continue reading for another riddle!

#1. No way in…or out.

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#1. What kind of room has no doors and no windows?

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