The Weird, True Story Behind How Barbie’s Ken Lost His Junk
It’s probably not a question you thought too much about as a child, but when you inevitably trip over a naked Barbie and/or Ken doll in your house as a parent, you’ve probably mused on how happy their marriage could possibly be. You know, given the circumstances. So just how did Ken come to...
This Single Tumblr Thread Explains the Domestication of Cats
Cats. Love them, hate them, or too scared to commit (because they’re terrifying), doesn’t matter – they’re just gonna keep being them. Cats have been our companions for thousands of years, and the process by which they came to live amongst and alongside human beings is pretty fascinating. And pretty confusing, too. Good thing there...
13 of the Weirdest Conspiracy Theories You’ve Probably Never Heard Of
Conspiracy theories are everywhere, but, sadly (or – actually – probably for the best), most of them fly under the radar for most of us. Unless something happens that places them in the mainstream consciousness, only a select few followers of said beliefs ever even know they exist. And let me tell you, after you...
History’s Forgotten Female Samurai Warriors
Even though most of the fearsome, katana-wielding Samurai warriors in television, print, and in film are men, the truth is that there were some who were women. Also, they were just as skilled at combat, self-defense, and use of weapons as their male counterparts, says Japan Times. The women samurai warriors were trained in the...