

15 People Offer Theories About How They Believe Humans Will Become Extinct

It’s never pleasant to think about death, extinction, or the world coming to an end, but I will say that it definitely makes for some good conversation. Will it be a nuclear war? A plague? An asteroid that hits Earth and wipes us all out? It could be any number of things… Here’s what people...

A Few Facts About Those ‘Choose Your Own Adventure’ Books You Loved as a Child

As a kid, I loved to read. I devoured The Babysitters’ Club, Nancy Drew, A Wrinkle in Time, Judy Blume – anything I could get my hands on, really. The first time I ended up with a Choose Your Own Adventure book, my mind was blown. I can’t say for sure if or how much those books informed my...

The Fascinating Story Behind The 1991 Fashion Trend Of Hypercolor Clothing

Back in the 80s and 90s, things that supposedly changed color with your mood were all the rage. Why, exactly, teenagers wanted others to be able to easily read emotions they might rather keep hidden remains a mystery. Kids, man. We’ve always marched to the beat of our own drum. That said, clothing that changed...

The Sex Scandal That Inspired a Duel Over Marie Curie’s Honor

There’s nothing new under the sun, and the press loving a titillating expose about a famous person certainly falls in line. As far back as the Roman Empire, writers were penning books revealing all of the rumors and secrets behind palace doors – people just love to read about famous people’s kinks and quirks. You’ve...

10 Interesting Facts That You Might Not Know

It can be hard to impress people these days. And when I say that, I mean that it can be hard to impress them with anything. But we think our fact sets knock the ball out of the park on a regular basis. Because we work hard to curate our facts day in and day out....

In 1918, People Protested Having To Wear Masks and the “Anti-Mask League” Was Born

If you’re a person who studies and knows your history, this article probably isn’t going to surprise you. There really is nothing new under the sun, and the majority of human beings don’t evolve all that quickly (or at all). We’re very similar to those who founded democracy in Greece, to those who conquered the...

Why All Wine Bottles Have a Dent in the Bottom

Some questions crop up and fall away in a moment, never to revive again. Others might cross your mind on a regular basis – like, say, every time you pop the cork on a bottle of wine. All wine bottles are fairly similar, whether they have a fancy label or something simple, or a cap...