

5 (Other) Times the Olympics Have Been Canceled or Postponed

The 2020 Tokyo Olympics have officially been postponed until summer 2021, and even though everyone – athletes and the pubic alike – is disappointed, it seems like it was the best decision for the times. Since the Olympics began in 1896, they’ve only been postponed or canceled a handful of times – which means what’s...

Researchers Have Found the World’s Smallest Known Dinosaur in a 99-Million-Year-Old Piece of Amber

After hundreds of millions of years, people just can’t get enough of dinosaurs. I’m not sure what it is about these creatures who roamed an earth devoid of people and died a horrible mass death, but kids, adults, scientists, and everyone else just seem to love everything to do with them. Which is perhaps why...

That One Time a Door-To-Door Catnip Salesman Was Arrested for Inciting a Crowd in NYC

History is super fun, y’all, and I maintain that if you don’t agree it’s just because you haven’t been told the right stories. Stories like this one, about a man who sold catnip door-to-door and made unintentional friends with every feline within a ten-block radius (maybe more) and earning an arrest for inciting a (cat)...

The Most Accurate English Speakers Can Pronounce Every Word in This Poem From the 1920s

English is a super hard language to master – whether it’s your native tongue or a second (or third) language, chances are you still make plenty of mistakes. We don’t remember everything from school, all of the rules and the ways it breaks those rules, and of course, there are regional quirks that make our...

14 Historical Incidents You Might Not Have Been Taught About In School

The whole of human history is too much for any one person to memorize or learn, and most of us only get to study it for a handful of semesters out of our entire academic careers. It’s understandable that we won’t have time to learn everything, but some things seem as if they might have...

16 Bits of History You Probably Didn’t Learn in School

To be fair, there are only so many things teachers can get into during a school year, so unless you decided to dedicate yourself to the study of history, there are a great many things you’ll never hear about unless you stumble across them on accident. Even if you do decide to dedicate your life...

12 Spot-On History Memes You Didn’t Learn in School

Memes are one of my favorite things on the internet, and history is one of my favorite things in life. Anything that brings the two together brilliantly is a winner in my book, so you know I love these 12 spot-on and hilarious memes. If you’re on the same page, take a gander. I don’t...