People Open up About the Good, the Bad, and the Ugly Advice They’ve Heard From Their Therapists
Even if you don’t think you need therapy, you should go at least a couple of times to give it a shot. You never know what advice could potentially give you a new outlook on life… But that doesn’t mean it’ll all be good. Not by a longshot. Therapists dish out all kinds of advice...
15 People Share the Best and Worst Advice They Got From Therapists
Therapists are paid to give us advice. Hopefully, that advice is good and it improves our lives, but it doesn’t always work out that way. Hey, they’re only human, too, so I guess sometimes they just get sidetracked and dish out bad advice on occasion, as well. Want to hear some good AND bad advice...
10 Fascinating Facts That’ll Make You Think
Are you ready to put your thinking cap on? I know I sure am! In that case, we’re happy to present you with another set of great facts that will stimulate your brain and make you ponder all kinds of facets of life. What else could you ask for, really?!?! Are you ready to get...
10 Epic Facts for You to Enjoy Today
You deserve a break…a FACT break, that is! And we think we have some damn good ones lined up for you to look at that will make you think about the world in a new and interesting way. Hey, it’s what we do…and we LOVE doing it! So dive into this set of facts and...
Do Weighted Blankets Really Help Reduce Stress And Anxiety?
Weighted blankets have become all the rage lately, with people from two to eighty two claiming the extra wait helps calm their anxiety and stress when it gets to be too much to manage. We even use them on our dogs on days like the 4th of July! The question is, how sturdy is the...
Enjoy These 10 Quality Facts That May Teach You Something
Surprises are great, right! You bet they are! And our amazing fact sets are always full of them, so be sure to read through a bunch of other ones that we have on our site. Are you ready to learn some new facts that we’re pretty sure you didn’t know before? Let’s take a look!...
15 People on How They Trained Their Brain Not to Care What Other People Think
I have said, more than a few times, that the best day of my life was the one when I stopped caring what other people thought. Not the people that matter, the people you trust, your people. You have to have an inner circle who can check you when you need it. But strangers? People who don’t...
Why It’s So Hard to Stop Touching Your Face
The first time I really heard how touching your face was the best way to get sick around other people, I was in a movie theater watching Contagion (starring Kate Winslet and Matt Damon). Kate Winslet’s character works for the CDC and spouts off some statistic about how many times per day the average person touches their...