



You’ve Heard of Déjà Vu, but Do You Know About Déjà RêVé?

We’ve all experienced déjà vu at one point or another. It’s an eerie feeling that makes you pause and wonder just what the hell is going on…and it’s usually the most mundane things that trigger it. But have you ever heard of déjà rêvé? It’s basically the opposite of déjà vu, “already dreamed” instead of...

These Are the 7 Beliefs of Emotionally Healthy People

Life is a roller coaster of emotions. There are so many ups and downs, peaks and valleys, that it can be hard to stay positive and forge ahead. But there are some core beliefs that emotionally healthy people hold, and working on them could be very beneficial to your life overall. These observations come to...

Teach Yourself to Learn Anything in Four Steps With the Feynman Technique

We live in a very fast-paced world and it can be hard to figure out how to find the time to learn about anything new. And it can be even harder when the topics we’re trying to learn are complicated. That’s where the Feynman Technique comes in. It’s a mental model that was developed by...

Why Yelling At Your Dog for Training is a Bad Idea

Yes, you love your dog beyond all reason. But, some days, he can be wholly infuriating. But as much as you want to, a new study says you might want to think before you yell at or physically punish your pet. Last year, research found positive punishment and negative reinforcement, also called aversive training, can negatively...

Which of These Portraits You Think Is the Scariest Can Reveal Your Hidden Personality Traits

People love personality tests, and anything that claims to give them insight into their own secret psyche. Case in point – I definitely took this quiz for myself before posting it for all of you. Also, this one is extra special, because looking at old, grainy images of mental patients is just a recipe for...