

“Honestly…” — You Should Never Start a Conversation With These 10 Phrases

Starting a conversation seems easy. You just open your mouth and speak your mind, right? Not so fast! It’s important to think before we speak and stop relying on crutches that can undermine our message, offend the other party, or make us seem incompetent. Reader’s Digest suggests avoiding these phrases before trying to chat with...

How to Stop Your Kid from Interrupting in Three Easy Steps

We all have those things that we swore our kids would never do before we actually had kids and realized how little control we had over their wild behavior at least, like, 60% of the time. For me, it was swearing that my kids would not interrupt adult conversation, on the phone or otherwise, because...

Dim Restaurant Lights Make You More Likely To Order Unhealthy Food — Learn 9 Tricks Restaurant Use So You Spend More Money

Running a restaurant is not easy. Food is a low margin industry, and restaurants in particular can be really tough. So, like any business, restauranteurs want to make sure that you spend as much of your money at their establishment as they possibly can – and they’ve gotten really good at it. Here are some...

Why Sad Music Makes You Feel So… Good

Music soothes the savage beast and delights the hearts of men. We have music for just about every possible human experience – from serious ceremonial pieces to good ol’ party jams and everything in between! It’s fairly common knowledge that music can have profound effects on our feelings. This effect has long been utilized in...

How Horror Movies Help Some People Ease Their Anxiety

It might seen counterintuitive that a genre of film meant to ramp up and maintain the viewer’s anxiety (if well-executed) could in any way benefit someone who is already struggling to control theirs, but hear me out. Or, hear out Hayley Williams, who suffers from anxiety but has been self-medicating with horror films for years....

Common Phobias and the Reasons Behind Them

If you think about it, it is interesting that, out of all of the things in the world to be afraid of, people commonly fear the same handful of things. Bees, spiders, sharks, darkness, heights, closed spaces, public speaking, being alone…why is that our brains seem hardwired to fear these things more than all of...

Fasting for Just One Day Could Have a Positive Impact on Your Stem Cells

It seems as if a new fad diet appears on social media out of nowhere at least a few times a year. Each time that happens, it gets harder to know what works, what’s healthy, what’s definitely not, and what noise just isn’t worth your time. One thing that we should get out of the...