This New Wisconsin Law Punishes Parents in Bullying Cases
Leaders everywhere, from cities to workplaces to schools and other educational institutions, are looking for better ways to punish bullies. There are initiatives from the White House all the way down to small communities, but on a big scale, nothing really seems to be moving the needle. So Shawano, Wisconsin, is trying something new –...
Playing Music Benefits Your Brain More Than Any Other Activity
If you’re really interested in strengthening your brain power, playing a musical instrument is the best exercise you can do to improve brain function, make you happier and protect against dementia. Learning to play an instrument actually changes brain structure and improves functioning better than any so-called brain games. Those who learn to play when...
Here’s Why Time Feels Different During the Holidays
The holidays are a fun blur of family reunions, gatherings, workplace end of the year dinners, food, and fun. Then, January 2nd comes along and makes us feel like the holidays slipped past us in a curious haze. Why does this happen? Well, holidays can change our perception of time. Part of this is because people...
A Lengthy Psychological Study Shows That Boomers Are Indeed More Sensitive Than Millennials
Older people like to treat younger generations like they’re soft – as if they get their feelings hurt over small slights and aren’t tough enough to walk uphill both ways to school in the snow – but the data coming out of a very long, thorough psychological study says that’s not at all true. Basically,...
The U.S. Postal Service Releases New Stamps Benefiting Veterans With PTSD
If there’s one thing that our divided nation can all get together to support, it’s helping out our veterans. And even though the task may seem daunting to many of us, one easy way we can all help out is by purchasing these new stamps the United States Postal Service has put out to benefit...
Helpful Chart Explains the Difference Between Supportiveness and Toxic Positivity
We all have the instinct to try to make things better for friends and family when their lives are tough and getting them down – after all, saying “yeah, you’re right, that sucks” doesn’t seem like it would be the most helpful thing in the world. Turns out our instincts are wrong, though. Luckily, psychotherapist...