

When’s the Best Time of Day to Exercise?

Are you a morning or evening workout person? Would you change your mind if science suggested one of those were a better time? Maybe, maybe not (for me). But if you’re curious, here are a few things to consider. What does the early bird get? So, morning or evening? Well, it gets a bit complicated....

Study Says Tattoos Can Strengthen Our Immune Systems\

Though tattoos are particularly fashionable at the moment, they’ve actually been around for over 6,000 years. They’re made to express a person’s thoughts, feelings, and or cultural beliefs. Some get them as a source of strength or healing, while others may get them just for fun. Whatever your reason, have you ever thought about what...

Study Confirms That Younger Siblings Teach Empathy to Their Older Brothers and Sisters

If, like me, you’re an older sibling, then maybe you sometimes wonder why your parents even bothered to have other children. I kid, I kid. I love my sister, and actually both she and I always begged for more siblings (to no avail). Younger siblings sometimes get a bad rap as attention-seeking, trouble-causing rebels, but...

The Science Behind Why Toddlers Go Boneless

You know what I’m talking about – the phenomenon of young children suddenly going limp as a (quite effective) form of protest. It makes it nearly impossible to pick them up off the floor (how did they double in weight?), buckle them into their carseat or stroller, or make an escape from wherever they’re embarrassing...

Studies Show That Owning a Dog Helps People Live Both Longer and Better

Dogs and people go together like peanut butter and jelly. Of course, your dog will eat your peanut butter and jelly when you’re not looking, but I digress. Dogs make us crazy happy, and a recent study gives us even more reason to bring these fuzz balls into our homes. Turns out, dogs help their...

How Did Billie Eilish Stand on the Ceiling During Her SNL Performance?

If you follow the career of Billie Eilish, you know she pushes interesting boundaries. I’m not talking about sexual boundaries like Madonna or Lady Gaga, but more troubled, mysterious kinds of boundaries. And she was only 14 in 2015 when her first single, “Ocean Eyes,” dropped! https://www.instagram.com/p/B3Apa0TlrDW/ With her funky personal style and darkly twisted...

The Annoying Truth Behind Why You Stop Feeling Tired the Moment You Crawl into Bed

You know the drill. You’re exhausted all day long. There’s isn’t enough coffee in the world to prop your eyelids up during your commute, at your desk, your kid’s soccer game, but suddenly, when you’re in your pajamas, teeth brushed, and between your nice, clean sheets, you can’t sleep. According to TIME, you’re not alone...

10 Interesting Facts That You Might Not Know

We live in a fast-paced world where it can be hard to get any free time and learn new information. But you should always make time for our fact sets! They’re filled with fascinating information that will stick in your head long after you’re done reading them. Here are 10 such facts for you! 1....