Magnetars Are a Magnet So Strong, They Could Tear Your Body Apart
Some magnets are so weak they can barely keep a photo on the refrigerator. Meanwhile, there are magnetars: the strongest known magnets in the universe. Sadly, you can’t buy these at your local grocery store. A magnetar is a type of neutron star with an unbelievably powerful magnetic field. Though they have the strongest magnetic...
If the Sun Is So Hot, Then Why Is Space So Cold?
Our solar system is pretty extreme as far as temperatures are concerned. At its core, our sun registers at around 27-million degrees Fahrenheit, but its surface is no slouch temperature-wise either: it’s clocks in at about 10,000 degrees. So is it kind of weird that in outer space, away from the sun and the mild...
15 People Share the Life Mysteries They Wish They Could Get Answered
Life sure is full of mysteries, isn’t it? I’m talking about all kinds of things that we really wish we had the answers to. They could be big, they could be small. They might have something to do with how the universe works, or they might be specific only to you. AskReddit users revealed what...
How the Earth Got Its Name
Filed under: things you probably never thought about until now… It’s pretty obvious, especially if you’ve ever read any Greek and Roman mythology, how most of the planets (Mercury, Mars, Venus, Saturn, and the rest) in our solar system got their names, but what about Earth? There’s no Roman or Greek god named Earth, I’m...
Surprisingly, Jupiter Doesn’t Orbit the Sun, Although the Earth Definitely Does
If you thought all of the planets in our solar system orbit the sun, well…so did we all. That’s what they taught us in school, that’s what the books say, and we’ve all believed it. Wrongly, as it turns out. At least, according to NASA. It all comes to our slightly flawed understanding of...
People Share What They Think the 2010s Decade Will Be Remembered For
It’s hard to believe that we only have a few months left until we start a new decade. Wooo! Time flies. How will the 2010s be remembered? It sure seems like there was a lot of controversy and upheaval around the world. AskReddit users weighed in on what they think this strange, wonderful, terrible decade...
10 Interesting Facts to Get Your Juices Flowing
If you’ve been in a bit of rut, let’s put an end to that RIGHT THIS INSTANT! You know why? And you know how? Because of this stellar fact set! It covers all kinds of topics and it will give you a big BOOST. Let’s dig into these facts. 1. Get busy, over 50 folks!...