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Shawn Ryan knows what it takes to get mentally prepared – not only for a new day, but for serious and potentially deadly situations: Ryan was a Navy SEAL and a CIA contractor. Now he’s formed his own company, Vigilance Elite, which sees him training law enforcement, civilians, and even actors on movie sets.
Ryan has a morning workout routine that gets him physically and mentally excited to embrace the day. He does pyramid training for at least 5 minutes each morning to give himself the energy he needs.
Pyramid training is a workout where you follow consecutive repetitions of a specific exercise. The goal is to work your way up and improve on each set to build strength over time. Ryan says, “Too many people try to chase after that one big win and fail to realize that it takes several small wins to get there.”
Here are the 4 steps you should follow, according to Ryan.
Step 1
Pick an exercise that will work your core and your back, legs, and chest. Some options are squats, squat jumps, pull-ups, or box jumps. Pick a workout that works for you and challenges your body and your mind.
Step 2
Set a timer for 5 minutes and start with the lowest number of reps. If you’re a beginner, 10 might be a good number of reps to start with. It’s important to feel comfortable at first and to build and improve your strength.
Step 3
Gradually increase the number of reps you do in that 5-minute time frame. Move up to 15, then 20, 25, and so on.
Step 4
Record your results every day on your phone or in a notebook. It’s important not to be too hard on yourself if you don’t improve on your reps as quickly as you’d like, but remember the goal is to improve over time.
That’s it! Nice and simple, and it only takes 5 minutes each day! Good luck!