This will either sound like a dream come true or a total nightmare, and I guess it depends on who your friends are. I definitely like “the sustainable small house to retire in” part, I’m just not sure I need my closest friends that close to me forever. But, to each their own, right?
A group of four couples who are also literal bff’s decided to take a major plunge: they pooled their money together, bought land, and built four sustainable cabins that face the Llano River near Austin, Texas.

Photo Credit: Airbnb
The cabins are environmentally-friendly and cost around $40,000 each. The couples have named the property “Llano Exit Strategy,” and they plan to retire there.

Photo Credit: Airbnb
The cabins, designed by Matt Garcia, are each 400-square-feet and they have a queen-size bed, a bathroom, a couch, and a front porch.

Photo Credit: Airbnb
The cabins were built with reflective walls and insulated windows to keep the cabins cool, especially during the hot summers in Texas.

Photo Credit: Airbnb
The interiors of the cabins feature a lot of plywood, which helped keep costs low. The roofs of the cabins are slanted, so rainwater gathers into barrels that can store up to 50,000 gallons of water. One of the besties, Fred Zipp, said, “This is a magical place, but it’s arid. We’re doing what we can to reserve as much water as possible for the native trees and grasses.”

Photo Credit: Airbnb
Another resident said, “It’s like a Disney movie out here. We have hare, bobcat, deer, and all kinds of birds. As we spend more and more time here, we find more and more.”

Photo Credit: Airbnb
For now, the cabins are Airbnb rentals. Looks like a great place to stay!