Is this man a hero or…kind of a loser? A guy apparently prefers to play online games with his pals than to hang out with his real-life, flesh and blood girlfriend. As a man (sort of), I can relate to the idea of wanting to kick back and play some video games to relax, but I’m not 100% sure I would make the same decisions as this fella. The conversation started off innocently enough.

Photo Credit: Reddit, Trainer_A
It seems like maybe there was a pre-existing issue here, cause the female in this tale then immediately took the conversation to a dark place – one with possibly no return – and the boyfriend responded in kind.

Photo Credit: Reddit, Trainer_A
The tension continued to mount as the bewildered woman pressed for further details about the reasoning of her mate.

Photo Credit: Reddit, Trainer_A
The girlfriend really raised the bar when she called his online gaming friends “fucking nerds on the internet.” Ouch.

Photo Credit: Reddit, Trainer_A
Let’s just say that the dramatic exchange didn’t end on a high note. I have a feeling these two are most likely not spending time together anymore. Right?

Photo Credit: Reddit, Trainer_A

Photo Credit: Reddit, Trainer_A
h/t: Distractify
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