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Ah, Halloween. It’s the one time of year when you can walk around with your face covered in blood without anyone skipping a beat. But these bloody costumes can create some confusion when you’re at the scene of an actual car accident, as one college student found out.
Sidney Wolfe is a student at Marshall University in Huntington, West Virginia. Just before Halloween this year, she dressed up as Carrie to promote her role in Carrie the Musical at a haunted house in Kentucky. She wore a torn white prom dress and a tiara, and she was, of course, covered in blood.
On her way home to Huntington, Sidney’s car slammed into a deer on the highway. And when the first responders showed up and saw her covered in blood, they were understandably panicked.
Sidney tweeted about the incident.
“If anyone wants to know how my weekend went I totaled my car while dressed up as Carrie and everyone who was a first responder thought I was dead HAHAHAHA IM SO SORRY,” she wrote.
She told HuffPost that the very first person upon the scene was “horrified.”
“The very first responder was a gentleman that pulled over being a Good Samaritan,” she said. “You could tell he was horrified.”
“Next came the police officers who were like ‘oh man’ — and kept asking over and over again if I needed medical assistance. The second round of cops that came weren’t in on the makeup and said, ‘Are we just gonna ignore that blood is dripping and she needs medical assistance?’”
Sidney’s tweets have gone incredibly viral, which she says she finds hilarious.
Fake blood aside, she walked away from the crash with only a bruise on her leg — and an amazing story to tell.