
He Told a 6’8” Man to Upgrade His Seat on a Flight. Was He a Jerk?

Hmmm, I’m not quite sure what to think about this one…

Is it okay to ever tell anyone that they should upgrade their seating on a flight?

Especially if you don’t even know them?

Let’s get all the details below and see if this guy was out of line for suggesting this.

AITA for telling a 6’8″ giant to upgrade his seating?

“Context – Flight between two major European cities, flight cost about 60 euros. Flight time 1.5 hours.

Me (32M) I am 5’10 and I check in to my flight the night before. I wanted a window seat, so I chose window seat. It was not extra, but I had seen that the cost for extended legroom was about 20 euro. This was a larger plane so each side of the aisle had 3 seats, so window, middle and aisle. I didn’t feel the need to get more space because I intended to sleep and its general sufficient space.

After takeoff, the person in front reclines their seat. No problem, I recline my seat, but the guy in the aisle behind, but in the middle stops me. Tells me that he is too big and the chair reclines into his legs.

This man seated in the middle is extraordinarily tall, and seated in the middle, so his knees extend into the space of both the aisle and window seats. People on both side of him now have their space invaded by his limps, and the entire row in front of him can’t recline their seats (despite the aisle in front reclining and invading their space). A total of 5 people around him have minor inconveniences because of his height.

I say “Yea no problem, I won’t recline my seat, but next time you can choose a different seat as to not inconvenience 5 other people”. He explains that normally the attendants give him an aisle seat or upgrade him, but they couldn’t this time.

I respond that it isn’t the airlines responsibility to give him a seat, and if he knows he doesn’t fit in a middle seat he could have chosen an aisle, as there was no charge to choose an aisle seat (I had seen the option the night before) or he could have upgraded for extended legroom seating for an extra 20 euro.

He says he didn’t have the 20 euro to spend (mind you he is flying to one of the most expensive cities in the world. I said choosing an aisle option is free, to which he says he didnt have that choice and that I am being selfish.

I respond by saying “Im not being selfish, I’m fine with having less space so you can be more comfortable, but pointing out that you’re the selfish one for not taking responsibility for others space and depending on flight attendants to put you in better seats.”

He thanks me for my opinion sarcastically, and I sarcastically reply that I’m just looking out for his best interests. We exchange fake smiles.

Honestly, what bothered me was the rent-seeking behaviour and the principle of it. Am I the A**hole?”

Check out how folks reacted on Reddit.

One reader said that it’s actually the airlines who are the a**holes for making passengers uncomfortable.

Photo Credit: Reddit

And this Reddit user said this guy is dumb and you shouldn’t fly if you don’t like people reclining in their seats.

Photo Credit: Reddit

Another individual said this guy is NTA and that everyone has their burdens they have to deal with…

Photo Credit: Reddit

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