Most of us love a good dose of dad humor every now and then. I mean, that’s part of what makes us love the men who raised us, right? But, as with everything, there’s a time and a place, and these 15 tweets prove that sometimes you just have to tell Dad to cut it out.
I would know, because one time at a Shakespeare in the Park performance of Romeo and Juliet, my dad waited until Romeo was about to kill himself and shouted “Don’t do it! She’s not really dead!”
For real.
#15. Fair enough.

Photo Credit: NBC
#14. This made me snort.

Photo Credit: NBC
#13. So close…

Photo Credit: NBC

Photo Credit: NBC
#11. *files away*

Photo Credit: NBC
#10. I assume this activity ramps up when the person is a potential love interest.

Photo Credit: NBC
#9. I could not love this more.

Photo Credit: NBC
#8. Adorable.

Photo Credit: NBC
#7. And I bet you smile. Unless you’re 12.

Photo Credit: NBC
#6. I, too, have experienced this.

Photo Credit: NBC
#5. Of course he did.

Photo Credit: NBC
#4. That’s one supportive pops!

Photo Credit: NBC
#3. I bet it makes the employee’s day every time.

Photo Credit: NBC
#2. I hope he uses an excited teenage girl voice.

Photo Credit: NBC
#1. Classic dad.

Photo Credit: NBC
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