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In today’s iteration of the Hashtag Game, Jimmy Fallon posed the following question to his viewers – what’s something you’ve said that you immediately regretted, for one reason or another?
Most of these people’s reasons are pretty darn funny. You’ll see.
#15. Awkward for all parties involved.

Photo Credit: Tumblr
#14. Bahaha. I have friends who would have asked this.
Shopping for dog shoes & noticed each package contained 4 shoes, I said “Why do they assume you have 2 dogs?” @FallonTonight #WHYDIDISAYTHAT
— Lori Snee (@LoriElle33) August 21, 2016
#13. Yeah, it’s probably best to ignore it.
A guy in a store had something funny looking in his pants so I asked him “Is that a gun?” @FallonTonight #WHYDIDISAYTHAT
— Valerie Collins (@msevianvoss) August 23, 2016
#12. Hey, moms have a lot on their minds.
after taking a shower, my mom asks me,”was the water still wet?”think she meant was the water still hot
@FallonTonight #WHYDIDISAYTHAT— Cheyenne Walker (@Chey_W2015) August 14, 2016
#11. Freudian slip?
Mother of the groom said she was sad my date couldn’t make it to the wedding. I said “maybe next time.” #WhyDidISayThat @FallonTonight
— Travis (e) Gates (@TravisEGates) August 6, 2016
#10. Blew it.

Photo Credit: Tumblr
#9. I hope their minds didn’t go there.
My dog would lick food off of floor. I said to a room full of guys “My dog is a carpet licker”. I’m female. @FallonTonight #WHYDIDISAYTHAT
— Diane Haywood (@diwho) August 20, 2016
#8. You and me both.
@FallonTonight To the clerk at a bookstore: “Nothing gets me going like a tastefully arranged book display.” #WHYDIDISAYTHAT
— Carolina Smith (@ArolinaCay) August 21, 2016
#7. Sometimes it just pops out. #twss
My Supervisor commented the bolt was to big for the hole and I replied “that’s what she said. @FallonTonight #WHYDIDISAYTHAT
— Will Craft (@WillCraft19) August 9, 2016
#6. I mean. She does.
@FallonTonight I once told this girl she looked like #RebelWilson. She asked who that was and I told her she plays #FatAmy #whydidisaythat
— Diana Ferrera (@Babiemonkey10) August 5, 2016
#5. I feel like alcohol may have been involved.

Photo Credit: Twitter
#4. I’m sure that went over well in a room full of 11-year-olds.
tonight show #hashtags on @FallonTonight – #WhyDidISayThat – @BenHerrick727
— aidrogo77 (@aidrogo77) September 12, 2016
#3. 10 points to that waiter for not dying of laughter.
Me: Is that a “Kwitch”?
Girlfriend: No, it’s a “Qweeshay”
Waiter: It’s a quiche……..@FallonTonight #WHYDIDISAYTHAT
— Albert H. Kim (@albizzlenizzle) August 16, 2016
#2. The gift that keeps on giving.
While taking Kung Fu, my sensei completed me on my quick learning. I said “thanks, I was in Marching Band” @FallonTonight #WHYDIDISAYTHAT
— Christina Super (@aChristinaStory) August 9, 2016
#1. A checkout lady at the supermarket once said “I love you, too” when I told her “thank you.” It happens.

Photo Credit: Bored Panda
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