Ex-football player Ed Harrington is an illustrator now, and his images have become beloved instant hits. Some of my personal favorites are in this series of images that depict superheroes doing everyday, mundane things. Most of them are cute and funny and make you think but be warned – you might never look at Chewbacca the same way again!
#15. You’ve gotta look the part.
#14. Can he eat anything except noodles?
#13. Everyone’s got their secrets.
#12. Short guy problems.
#11. You just don’t think about it…
#10. You know that hair doesn’t just happen.
#9. What happened to using a bowl?
#8. Should’ve lathered on the sunscreen!
#7. It’s not all fun and games being super.
#6. Awww.
#5. The struggle is real, I’m sure.
#4. I’m going to have to work on my force skills.
#3. Yikes.
#2. Surely they can pump music into that thing!
#1. A man of many talents.
h/t: Brightside