Everyone’s family is a little bit weird, but hey – they’re our people, so we embrace their quirks. In fact, I think a family without a little strangeness would just be downright boring (and, if my family is any indication, also quiet).
If you’re wondering whether your family ranks up there with the craziest of the crazies, maybe you should read through these tweets. I’m guessing your bar for ‘normal behavior’ might shift afterward.
15. I mean. How old was he?
14. “To prepare for being kidnapped” is what makes this tweet special.
13. …why does she use a ladle for gardening?
12. Never trust square meat.
11. Anything you eat while exercising doesn’t count. That’s just a fact.
10. Ahh, back in the day when people thought other people gave a crap.
9. Or maybe he knows something you don’t about a ghost in your house.
8. Best mental image.
7. I have a similar issue with my cleavage. #solidarity
6. Fair point.
5. This just sounds useful.
4. I mean. Are you embarrassed or proud?
3. Family Facebook behavior should be a whole separate topic.
2. Okay this is really freaky.
1. But I mean…they don’t have to have sex anymore.
Is your family weird? Don’t lie – a little weird, right?