
Need a Brain Boost? Give These 5 Riddles a Try!

Photo Credit: Pixabay

Riddles are a fun way to test your problem solving skills and keep your brain clicking and humming along like it’s supposed to! Here are 5 good ones that will get your mind-juices flowing, no matter what time of day.

#5. A ribbon cutting.

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#5. How long will it take to cut the 100-foot ribbon into 1-foot strips?

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#4. The hardware store.

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#4. What did the man buy for $3?

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#3. A sailor went to sea…

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#3. How did sailors standing on opposite sides of the ship see each other clearly?

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#2. Eat it…or don’t.

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#2. What do you buy to eat, but don’t eat in the end?

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#1. Pairs of eyes…

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#1. How many people are hanging at the library behind 20 eyes?

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