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If your Easters are usually cold and windy, then you’ve got an egg-stra (ha) special treat to find in your basket this year to warm your bones.
Yes, the geniuses behind Peeps have come up with those weird little birds that are flavored like Hot Tamales fire-hot cinnamon candy. For the unenlightened, Hot Tamales are sort of like Mike And Ike’s—also good—but they are fire-engine red and taste like Fireball…I mean cinnamon.
Alert Instagrammer @JunkFoodMom saw the red hot Peeps and posted a pic.
If you’ve never thought about combining the sugary marshmallow Easter treat with spicy cinnamon, well, neither have we. But this sounds like it totally works.
JunkFoodMom (can we be best friends?) seems to think there’s not much heat to these Peeps. That might be good news for Peep purists who just want the sugar notes top and center…and, perhaps sad news for super-spice tasters.

Photo Credit: Flickr
Look for them at Kroger for now, but they may get a wider distribution as we approach Easter. Don’t forget other iterations of Peeps like Peeps Cereal.
Because there’s nothing like an overdose of sugar to wake you out of your winter slumber and welcome spring!
What do you think about Hot Tamale Peeps? Are you going to try them?
Let us know in the comments.