
People Discuss the Statement, “No One Cares if You’re an Introvert or Extrovert”

I remember at a previous job I had where all the employees had to take the Myers-Briggs test to find out what our personality types were and if we were introverts, extroverts, etc.

And I didn’t really find the exercise to be all that useful…it just seemed kind of pointless, to be honest with you.

It didn’t really matter (to me, at least) what personality types my co-workers were as long as we all got our work done and things went smoothly…but that was just my opinion…

Does anyone REALLY care if you’re an introvert or an extrovert?

Let’s see what people on AskReddit had to say about this.

1. The breakdown.

“People feel the need to mention whether they’re introverted or extroverted and my response is always: okay??

Might I even add that extroverts are now shunned and introverts are now praised.

Go outside and be very social or don’t. No one cares

Actually, don’t go outside and be social yet. Corona is still a thing.”

2. Can be helpful.

“I’m assuming you’re referring to people who just say it unprovoked, but I don’t think its out of place to mention when you’re getting to know someone so you can understand their personality a little better.”

3. The dating game.

“It can be helpful. Especially in online dating, when it’s not as easy to tell as in real life.

My profile was funny, and in text I was great for conversation. However, on the phone or in real life, it was a whole different story. After being consistently told “you’re a lot funnier in what you write, not so much what you say,” I included in my description that I am an introvert.

When it was clear from the start that I’m best suited for a woman who likes to do most of the talking, it yielded higher quality results.”

4. Practical.

“There are also some pragmatics to it.

Saying “I’m an introvert” is often a way of saying “I need to spend some time alone now, but that doesn’t mean I don’t like you.”

I imagine extrovert fills some similar kind of function.”

5. Is that all you got?

“I’ve met a lot of people in my life and most of them claim to be introverted because they feel nervous when interacting with new people.

But this feeling happens to most people anyway.

It’s just annoying when people base their entire being around being an introvert.”

6. Relevant these days.

“It’s been relevant lately during quarantine.

I’m very extroverted, therefore I’ve been struggling being cooped up.

My mom is very introverted, and therefore she is happy as a clam staying home for months on end.”

7. Popularized.

“It’s been popularized this year especially because everyone’s social lives are being intensely challenged, therefore it’s become a major focus.

Most of the time, in our society, we’ve been able to just live and not overthink why or what.

Now, however, we have to heavily identify with what the root cause is for feeling this or that. We’re all turned upside down and trying to figure out what we need.

Oh and I’m, like, totally an extrovert.”

8. Well, there’s that.

“The real problem is egotistical people who label themselves as soon as you meet them.”

9. Perfectly fine.

“I’ve never had someone just randomly say it to me.

If it makes sense in context and you can build conversation, then whats wrong with it?”

10. Some people definitely care.

“Please tell that to all my ex gf’s, my wife, my female friends, my male friends, and all my professional relationships who complain endlessly that I never want to go anywhere.

Being an introvert picks up a ton of flack from all the mentioned groups, we live in an extrovert majority and trust me, people care if you dont want to hang out!

You may not care, but these mentioned groups really REALLY do.”

11. Bragging rights.

“I feel like people that brag about this look too much into what they think it means.

Introverts are not cute beans that hate people, are unsocial sophisticated.

They just use their energy for social interactions and recharge afterwards in alone time.

Same goes for extroverted: They’re not partyheads. They’re just getting their energy from people and get decharged being alone”

12. Gets misused.

“I think the misuse is what makes it annoying

Some of the people who say they are introverted are really just edgy and antisocial.

Likewise some of the people who say they are extroverted just think the are a ‘people person’ which is equally insufferable.

If we all just used to words to describe our moods instead of picking a personality to live and die by it make life easier for everyone.”

Do you think anyone cares if other folks are introverts or extroverts?

Talk to us in the comments and share your thoughts.

We look forward to hearing from you!