One of my biggest pet peeves in life is when people are late.
And it’s even worse when they make ME late.
So I can empathize with the person who wrote this post about leaving some family members behind when they decided to take an Uber to a wedding.
But did they act like a jerk?
Read their story below and see what you think.
AITA for taking an Uber to a wedding so I wouldn’t be late?
“My sister got married last weekend. I flew into town and my parents insisted that I stay with them instead of a hotel like I wanted.
My parents are consistently late for everything. I think it’s a Latin thing. I h**e being late. I think it’s disrespectful.
The wedding was at 2:30. My folks live about half an hour from the church.
Noon rolls up and my folks aren’t even getting ready yet.
They are adults and I am over dealing with them.
I get ready. I send for an Uber and I am at the church for 2:00.
I check in with my sister. She asks me if I had any problems getting my parents to church. I told her that I came by myself. She said that I was responsible for getting them there on time.
Well nobody asked me to do that. I didn’t even want to stay there.
So now everyone starts calling my parents. They are getting ready.
They were about 35 minutes late.
The service was shortened because there was another wedding later that day.
Everyone is still mad at me for not getting my parents there on time. My aunt said that I’m an a**hole for messing up the timing of the wedding.
My mom says it’s my fault for not reminding them to get ready.
Am I the only one who thinks adults should be able to be on time for their own kid’s wedding without help?”
Check out what Reddit users said about this.
One person said they’re NTA and that they should put some space between them and their family.

Photo Credit: Reddit
Another reader said they’re NTA and they offered up a hilarious comparison about their family.

Photo Credit: Reddit
And this reader said they need to go NO CONTACT with their family after this.

Photo Credit: Reddit
What do you think about what happened?
Tell us what you think in the comments.
We look forward to it.