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#4. The Thieves Guild

Photo Credit: Pixabay
A man needs to gain access to a notorious but elusive thieves guild, and after snooping around for a few days, he gets a tip about the location of the guild entrance. He observes the entrance for about any hour, noting that the thieves entering are using a passcode system that involves numbers – they are given a number and they reply with a number.
The first person steps up, and the guard tells them “twelve,” to which they respond “six.” The person is admitted. A second person approaches the door, and the guard tells them “six,” to which they reply “three.” The second person is also admitted.
Convinced that he’s got the code down, the man approaches the door to the thieves guild. The guard tells him “ten,” to which he confidently replies “five.” The guard immediately slams the door and a deadbolt slots into place.
What should the businessman have said?
Continue reading when you’re ready for the answer!