
Take a Break and See If You Can Solve These 5 Riddles


Everyone needs a break now and then, but that doesn’t mean you can’t keep your mind sharp in the process – tackle these 5 fun riddles and make sure yours stays up to date!

5. A royal family.

4. Dad joke alert!

3. Auntie-Ant.

2. A trifecta.

1. Off the hook.

Continue reading when you’re ready to check your answers!

5. A king, queen, and two twins lay down in a large room, but no adult was present. How?

4. What is the coolest letter in the alphabet?

3. What do you call a 100-year-old ant?

2. You can smell me, buy me, or deliver me – I sound the same any way you choose.

1. A truck driver is going the opposite direction of traffic on a one way street. A police officer sees him but doesn’t stop him. Why?

Thanks for playing along!