
The ‘Choose Your Own Adventure’ Books Have Now Inspired a Board Game

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Remember those Choose Your Own Adventure books?

They inspired a generation of readers to not only pick up more books, but to be actively engaged in storytelling, writing their own endings, and the like.

If you’re a person of a certain age, there’s almost no chance these weren’t a beloved part of your childhood.

And now… a game… because why not?


If you’re wanting a little nostalgia in your life, or you’re dying to find a way to share the fun with your own littles, you can now play a board game version, too.

Z-Man games is offering two different games, one titled Choose Your Own Adventure: House of Danger and the other called Choose Your Own Adventure: War With the Evil Power Master.

The games, like the books, can be played alone as you work your way through saving the day (or dying horribly while the world goes up in flames), but they can also be played with others as part of a cooperative effort to find the best outcome.


Players use cards and a game board to maneuver a world that is obviously imbued with threats. In House of Danger, you and your friends attempt to solve the mystery of the missing owner of Marsden Mansion.

In War with the Evil Power Master, you’ll take on the evil, powerful beings in the Lacoonian System, which sounds super fun for kids in love with science fiction! You’ll work together to find the Evil Power Master before it’s too late.


The games are recommended for people aged 10 and up, and both are available on Amazon!

Have fun, guys. My kids are too little right now but I definitely see them in our future.

Maybe one of them will fall in love with telling stories the way I did – fingers crossed!