
People Are Doing The “A Little Bit Alexis” Dance On TikTok And “It’s A Little Bit Hilarious”

Image Credit: PopTV

I discovered Schitt’s Creek when it was in its 4th season, which means I was able to binge – and fall in love with – the show all at once. Now, it’s in its last season and I’m not sure at all that I’m going to be okay when it’s over.

The whole Rose crew (and the Schitts and Stevie and Twyla oh my) have given me so much joy, and not only that, Patrick and David are rivaling Pacey and Joey (or maybe Chuck and Blair) as my OTP.

Alexis and her antics (and her amazing growth arc) also have a special place in my heart, and the episode when she auditions for Cabaret with her “A Little Bit Alexis” dance is going to make me smile until the cow’s come home.

That’s a long, long time and probably never, for those of you who weren’t raised by Iowa farmers.

And now, TikTok is jumping on the trend with their latest ‘A Little Bit Alexis’ dance challenge. Here are 10 of my favorite contributions (so far!).

10. This one is quite good!

9. Outfit and and hair and everything!

8. Nailed it.

7. She definitely settles into it by the end.

6. I love that most people seem to have a workable cosplay just lying around.

5. Is it wrong that I’m jealous of his legs?

4. I think the extra sass really works.

3. A Little Bit Lauren.

2. I mean, it’s uncanny.

1. Alexis would totally approve of the filter.

I think I’m going to need to go and rewatch the entire series in preparation for the finale now. Don’t judge me!

Are you new to the show? Old hat? Still need to watch?

Let’s share our gushy love in the comments!