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If you love a good riddle in the morning (or any time of day), then give these 6 a try – they’re harder than they first appear!
#6. A classic.
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#6. What doesn’t eat but enjoys a light meal?
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#5. An electrician and a plumber.
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#5. How can one be the father of another man’s son?
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#4. A trick question?
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#4. When is 99 more than 100?
Since microwaves only have 4 digits in the timer, 2 for minutes and 2 for seconds, when you put in ’99’, it runs for 1 minute and 39 seconds, but when you put in ‘100’ (or 1.00 as it would read), it only goes for a minute.
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#3. A bizarre hybrid.
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#3. What is 3/7 chicken, 2/3 cat, and 1/2 goat?
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#2. A different story.
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#2. What turns into a different story?
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#1. Think carefully…
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#1. What has no wheels but can be driven, and remains whole even when sliced.
Thanks for playing!