A recent report compiled by the conservation organization World Wildlife Fund gives us some sobering information about the threat of plastic pollution. Almost half of the plastic trashing the world today was produced after 2000, and 75% of all the plastic ever made is already waste.
Which means we need a solution – fast.

Photo Credit: Pxhere
The situation may seem alarming, but luckily there are smart people on it, organizing clean-ups, reducing their own plastic usage and even creating alternatives for plastics – alternatives like using beeswax infused cloth instead of plastic wrap.
One French company is making this all-natural material more fashionable – and, hopefully, desirable – by creating an attractive product that comes in a variety of patterns and styles.
Lembeillage is one of many ‘beeswrap’ companies aiming to provide an alternative to plastic wraps. Not only are the wraps are washable and reuseable for up to one year, but they’re also waterproof, yet breathable, with antibacterial properties. So, less food waste.
These particular wraps are also stylish, because – France! And who doesn’t want their kitchen supplies to be stylish?
The company’s owner took a visit to Australia and saw how one family had replaced all their plastic wrap with beeswax infused cloth wraps. Back in France, he developed his own wraps, using organic French materials. The result is an attractive way to reduce our in-home use of plastics.
Every little bit of reduction in plastic consumption counts, as far as the environment is concerned. It’s worth checking into companies like Lembeillage to see where in your life you can throw out plastic – for good.