
This Author’s Twitter Thread Unpacks Mental Health Stigmas in the Workplace

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Although the conversation around mental health issues is improving, there’s still a stigma around them. Although people don’t hesitate to get treatment for physical health issues, many people still feel a sense of shame or embarrassment if they need to take medications to manage their mental health.

Blair Imani, author of Modern HERstory and founder of Equality for Her, tweeted this thread on the stigma associated with mental health. In particular, she takes on the misconception that people who are “successful” don’t struggle with mental health.

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She discloses some of her own challenges to make her point.

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This doesn’t mean that you need to be “productive” to be worthwhile, though. She goes on to address the ideas of mental “strength” and mental “weakness.”

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The thread hit home for a lot of people. Many responded to the Twitter thread with their own experiences with mental health in solidarity.

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Our worth isn’t based on our productivity. What’s more, just because you appear productive and successful on the outside doesn’t mean you’re not also grappling with mental illness. Regardless of our ability to be “productive,” though, we all deserve to receive the treatment we need without judgement.

If you need help, just remember – there are people who love you, and places you can go where you will not be judged.