
This Company Created the Coolest Lego Helmet, and It Is AWESOME

Photo Credit: Laughing Squid

LEGO is all the rage from toy kits to big screen movies. It seems you can’t turn around without seeing something LEGO related. And this idea is no different!  In an effort to make it “cool” for kids to wear bicycle helmets, Simon Higby of DDB Stockholm and Clara Prior of DDB Copenhagen, worked with MOEF, a Danish development company, to create this LEGO inspired helmet.

Photo Credit: Laughing Squid

MOEF used an actual LEGO hairpiece and through digital and 3D printing technology, enlarged it to make this helmet.

Photo Credit: YouTube, MOEF

Photo Credit: YouTube, MOEF

This company strives for child safety saying, “Every 5th hour a child sustains a serious head injury.” And only about 66% of kids wear helmets! What a staggering statistic.

Check out their video on their design process!

Quite an “awesome” concept as the LEGO movie would say.