
This Hilarious Twitter Thread Explains Why People ‘Feel Sorry for Netflix Era Kids’


Before you could stream, pause, rewind, and rewatch anything your little heart desired whenever you desired, you really had to plan out your television watching with precision.

If you grew up in the pre-Netflix era and you had a VCR, you had to 1.) Learn how to use it 2.) Try to program it to record a show, and then pray it worked. It was a simpler time back then…

Anyway, one Twitter user sent out her thoughts about Netflix era people and it set off a funny firestorm of tweets. Here’s how it began.

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Does that bring back some memories, or what? Other people agreed and weighed in with their thoughts on the matter.

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The conversation picked up more steam…

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Photo Credit: Twitter

Photo Credit: Twitter

Photo Credit: Twitter

These kids today will never know what it was like…but us oldtimers can tell them all about it.