If you have children, you know the routine – if you don’t, no one can really prepare you for it. But the gist is: you’re not gonna get a whole lot of sleep. Or any at all. For a long time. And that’s just part of the gig.
To make that point obvious for any disbelievers out there, a mom named Melanie Darnell decided to film herself and her kids sleeping over one night, and parents around the world said, “Amen.” The time-lapse video of the evening went viral in a big way because it’s just so darn relatable.
Darnell originally started off sleeping solo but later brought her baby into the room. The baby wiggles around…and neither of them sleep as a result.

Photo Credit: YouTube

Photo Credit: YouTube
Then, adding to the fun, Darnell’s other child decides to join the party – so now there are three people in the bed, none of whom are sleeping.

Photo Credit: YouTube
At 1:30 a.m., the baby finally falls asleep and Darnell takes the other child back to their room.

Photo Credit: YouTube
But the baby wakes up again. Also, the baby decides to play with mom’s hair.

Photo Credit: YouTube
And the baby wakes up again at 6:20 a.m.

Photo Credit: YouTube
Let’s just call it a rough night all around.
Here’s the whole video. Does this look familiar, all you parents out there?
Let’s give it up for all the moms and dads out there who are running on little or no sleep for months at a time. We salute you!