
This New Rooftop Swimming Pool Is Confusing the Hell out of Everyone


You need to have some major courage to get into this pool. Honestly, I don’t know if I’d be willing to brave it.

Right now, this rooftop infinity pool is just a prototype, designed to sit on top of a 55-story building in London, England (meaning that the photo above is just a mockup).

But people are very confused by this almost miraculous look. How does anyone get in or out of the pool? HOW WILL IT WORK?

I don’t see any ladders or any doors on that, do you? It’s all a bit confusing.

The company’s designer, Alex Kemsley, said “We faced some quite major technical challenges to this building, the biggest one being how to actually get into the pool.

“Normally a simple ladder would suffice, but we didn’t want stairs on the outside of the building or in the pool as it would spoil the view – and obviously you don’t want 600,000 litres of water draining through the building either.

The solution is based on the door of a submarine, coupled with a rotating spiral staircase which rises from the pool floor when someone wants to get in or out – the absolute cutting edge of swimming pool and building design and a little bit James Bond to boot!”

James Bond, indeed.

More folks on Twitter weighed in.


It’ll be interesting to see how this engineering marvel plays out.

Also, what if you have to pee…

Those are the big questions here, people.