Bill Maher, known for his political satire and left-wing comedic commentary, started a social media uproar over his blog post, “Adulting” posted last November, denouncing the Stan Lee fan culture.
“The guy who created Spider-Man and the Hulk has died, and America is in mourning. Deep, deep mourning for a man who inspired millions to, I don’t know, watch a movie, I guess.”
“Someone on Reddit posted, “I’m so incredibly grateful I lived in a world that included Stan Lee.” Personally, I’m grateful I lived in a world that included oxygen and trees, but to each his own. “
This left many fans of Stan Lee and his comic book franchise upset and offended. Maher admits people are still asking him about it and took to his HBO show, Real Time to shut people down once and for all.
“To every person on social media who’s asked me since November, ‘Bill, what do you have to say about Stan Lee?’ – and to every paparazzi outside a restaurant who’s still shouting at me, ‘Bill, what about the Stan Lee thing?’ Okay. Your day has come.”
“Grownups these days they cling so desperately to their childhood that when they do act their age they have a special word for it now. Adulting”
“You can, if you want, like the exact same things you liked when you were 10, but if you do, you need to grow up. That was the point of my blog. I’m not glad Stan Lee is dead, I’m sad you’re alive.”
Everyone knows Maher is known for his provocative comments, and this was no exception.
But fiction writer and poet Catherynne Valente had something to say about Maher’s obvious judgment over how millennials live their lives.

Photo Credit: Twitter, @catvalente

Photo Credit: Twitter, @catvalente
I just want to point out “smugly bloviating”. Lol.

Photo Credit: Twitter, @catvalente

Photo Credit: Twitter, @catvalente
Many Twitter enthusiasts agreed!

Photo Credit: Twitter, @catvalente

Photo Credit: World Wide Interweb

Photo Credit: World Wide Interweb
Every generation judges the generations that come after, and Millennials have been taking it on the chin lately.
But that’s lame!