
Twin Films: 7 Times Movies Had the Exact Same Plot

#2. Finding Nemo/A Shark’s Tale


Photo Credit: Hollywood.com

Once again, Pixar wins the day – Finding Nemo is an enduring classic with a big time sequel, while Dreamworks’ Shark Tale has faded into oblivion. In this case, Katzenberg insisted that any similarities were incidental and that the two companies had been in touch in an attempt to avoid stepping on each others’ toes.

#1. White House Down/Olympus Has Fallen


Photo Credit: Hollywood.com

If I were a member of the first family, two movies about terrorist attacks on the White House being released in the same year would set me on edge. At any rate, Olympus Has Fallen tends to be touted as the better movie (and has a sequel), but neither fared all that well with the critics or at the box office.
