
Watch These @Midnight Comedians Destroy Your Childhood With #SexyDisney

Image Credit: Funny Or Die

Disney is one of the most loved brands in the universe, so what about sexy Disney (…for adults, of course) could possibly be bad?

Well, after this edition of @Midnight’s Hashtag Wars, the answer is clear.

Nothing. Nothing could possibly be bad.

#15. Too bad you missed the deadline because well played.

Photo Credit: Twitter

#14. I feel like you had to try just a little bit too hard for this one.

#13. I feel like this could have been an alternate title for 50 Shades.

#12. Not sure it’s exactly sexy, but it is clever.

#11. This song would have definitely won an Oscar. Or whatever the MTV version of an Oscar is, anyway.

#10. I love it when people think outside the box.

Photo Credit: Twitter

#9. Well crafted.

#8. At first, you think it’s a typo. But then…

#7. Yaasssss OMG.

#6. It seems like this was just meant to be.

#5. Never too soon. Carrie Fisher would totally approve.

Photo Credit: Twitter

#4. Almost too easy, really.

#3. I see what you did there, not changing the title.

#2. I mean, if you’re into that sort of thing.

#1. Favorite.

Photo Credit: Twitter

Check out the Hardwick interview below, and then hop on over to Twitter and follow @DidYouKnowFacts!