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I’m not here to make an argument for being single vs. being in a relationship, but regardless of where you come down on that preference, I think most of us can agree that dating is the worst.
The people who shared their most awkward date moments for a shot to make it on The Tonight Show would definitely agree.
#15. Yeah, sometimes you have to walk back the auto-response.
#14. I mean…what?
#13. I would have lost my mind after 3 minutes. Max.
#12. Well…it does double duty as starter and ender?
#11. Or maybe just a break from dating YOU.
#10. That may be the most awkward thing I’ve ever read.
#9. So…anything?
#8. This is so awful it’s hilarious.
#7. I might have died on the spot.
#6. This totally would have been an episode of Seinfeld if Starbucks had been a thing then.
#5. Cue awkward pause.
#4. So. Awkward.
#3. Maybe she liked the show. #justsayin
#2. I don’t even know how to respond to this.
#1. What do you even say to that?
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