
What Do You Genuinely Not Understand? People Shared Their Thoughts.

Oh, boy, do I have a loooooong list of things that I don’t understand

But we’re not here today to talk about ME, my friends.

We’ve gathered here today to hear from AskReddit users about what they genuinely don’t understand.

Let’s dig in and see what they came up with.

1. Beats me.

“How a single needle can run through the grooves on a record and produce a fully layered and ‘separated’ sound.

I mean, I get how it works in theory.

But like… how tf does it work …?”

2. Not again!

“The thought process of a cat trying to jump on a shelf that is clearly filled with stuff and doesn’t have space for it to land safely.”

3. What is this?

“How consciousness works.

I havent the slightest clue and i honestly dont think scientists know exactly how either.

Such a complex system that turns into our thoughts and feelings, this is one of those things that REALLY made me appreciate the intricacies of our bodies.”

4. Don’t get it.

“How crypto mining works… like what exactly are these huge setups doing and why do GPUs matter so much?

I’ve read several articles about it and I still don’t get it.”

5. It’s magic!


I’ve been explained and seen explanations 100 times.

It’s still magic to me.”

6. For real.

“Willful ignorance.

Like, never in human history have we had the ability to find correct information so easily and so quickly. I love to Google things and research so I can learn new things every day.

However, I occasionally encounter people who are proudly set in their incorrect thinking and don’t care to learn the truth about whatever subject at hand.

It blows my mind…like, why are you comfortable being wrong and not learning new things? I legitimately don’t understand how someone doesn’t want to learn and improve their knowledge.”

7. Driving me crazy!


Electrical signals allow what amounts to a bunch of glorified rocks to have rudimentary thought. It drives me insane.”

8. Where does it all go?

“Where tire particles go.

Millions of tires wear down but there’s no giant pile of them somewhere.

It HAS to be somewhere as a collective entity.”

9. Can someone explain this?

“Master keys…especially for like schools and dorms.

How do they open all the doors, but not every key works???!!”

10. Clueless.

“Stocks, investments, inflation, interest rates, etc.

Or anything to do with finance, really.”

11. How?

“I don’t think I could ever understand how some people can just live a sober life without any hobbies.

Like, just how?”

12. Burned out.

“How people have full time jobs, and still have the time and energy for: working out, taking care of their kids, cleaning, laundry, socializing, hobbies etc.

My brain is destroyed by burnout symptoms and depression. I just try to survive the day…”

What do you not understand?

Tell us what you think in the comments.

Thanks, amigos!