
World’s Largest Aircraft Allows You to Enjoy a Luxurious 3-Day Sky Cruise

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Calling all private plane owners! There is now a way to fly that’s even more extravagant than the most extravagant private jet out there. It’s basically a mansion with wings.

It’s called the Airlander 10, and it’s a hybrid airship/plane/helicopter. It’s the world’s largest aircraft at 302 feet long.


The Airlander 10 will host three-day excursions for up to 19 passengers at a time. They’ll enjoy 10 en-suite bathrooms, a bar, a lounge area, and see-through floors so you can gaze down at the ground 16,000 feet below (people with height phobias probably need not apply). The Airlander will also be available for private purchase, with fully customizable interiors.

Hybrid Air Vehicles is the company behind the airship. Their idea was to recreate the luxury cruise experience in the sky.

It’s a definite departure from what flying is usually like: stressful and rushed.

“Air travel has become very much about getting from A to B as quickly as possible. What we’re offering is a way of making the journey a joy,” CEO Stephen McGlennan explained in a press release.

Speaking of not rushing, the Airlander 10 won’t be able to take commercial passengers for some time. Regulations stipulate that it must complete 200 incident-free hours in the sky first, and it hasn’t done that yet. It crashed on its second test flight in 2016, and again in 2017. It has now completed six successful test flights.

For such an ambitious invention, the folks at Hybrid Air Vehicles should definitely take their time and get it right.