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Got a kid who’s too shy to sit on Santa’s lap? There are other more convenient ways to contact Santa now — he’s even available by text message.
Santa has an official phone number: 951-262-3062. Don’t worry, it goes directly to voicemail (can you imagine if Santa had to pick up the phone for every kid that wanted to talk to him?).
However, if you (or your child) get onto Santa’s contact list, you can receive regular texts from him throughout the month of December.

Photo Credit: iStock
The service is called The Santa Texting Project. It’s provided by SlickText, a marketing platform that allows businesses to communicate through mass text messages.
Children who sign up for texts from Santa can expect to receive messages such as jokes, sayings, recipes and fun facts. He sends regular texts without being prompted — he’ll text approximately once every five days throughout the month; then, in the week before Christmas, he’ll text daily.
To sign up, just go to SlickText’s website and enter your name and phone number. You must also choose whether you’re signing up as a child, adult, or senior (hey, everybody needs a little Christmas cheer!). Then, reply “Yes” to the first text to opt in to the service.

Photo Credit: iStock
This festive service is completely free, and the company says the phone numbers won’t be shared with any outside entities. They’ll also be deleted on December 26, so no annoying follow-up texts.
Happy texting!