
Zoos Are Giving Their Animals Reviews on Twitter

Image Credit: Twitter

Everyone loves a good review, right? Some of my favorite moments on Amazon are finding one that’s hilarious – intentionally or not – and just too good not to share.

These “reviews” of zoo animals definitely fall into that category, and also make me wish my hometown zoo was getting on board. The participating zoos are using #rateaspecies, and you’ll notice that some scientists and academies of sciences all jumped on board.

It turns out that it’s really hard to earn a perfect 5 stars from these people, though they’re all too ready to throw animals that have long been “mis-sold” as being wonderful under the bus.

Below are 12 of my favorites!

12. That frog’s face is a meme waiting to happen.


11. Only 4 stars for a rotating head come on.

10. Can we talk about how his flippers look like hands in this picture?

9. There is absolutely no way to improve an otter. Fact.

8. “Very good quality bear” HAHAHA.

7. Everyone loves a pun.

6. IDK guys vomit is an awfully big downside.

5. I don’t see the problem here.

4. This one might be my favorite.

3. Birds get a one star from me sorry not sorry.

2. I just want to know what that IS.

1. The Harry Potter reference is winning.

If you loved these, definitely check out the rest of the hashtag – there’s plenty of gold still to mine!

And while you’re at it, share your favorites in the comments!