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If you’ve logged on to any kind of social media over the past couple weeks, even for a second, there’s no doubt you’ve seen an endless stream of “back to school” photos from all your friends who have kids.
And, hey, they’re pretty adorable!
By now, it’s a time-honored tradition to post a pic of “Lucy’s First Day of Second Grade” or “Timmy’s First Day of Kindergarten.”
But there’s a flipside to all of this joy…it’s what the kids look (and feel) like after that big first day of school. And it is pure exhaustion and trauma. Take a look for yourself:
1. To Hell and back
First day back at school took its toll on this little girl
byu/mayallrob_ inCasualUK
2. Very bleak
Before and after the first day of school. The future suddenly looks bleak.
byu/cr0gd0r infunny
3. Frazzled

Photo Credit: Imgur
4. Defeated
5. Couldn’t handle it
6. One of them clearly isn’t feeling it
There’s two types of kids on the first day of school..
byu/xMudxCrabx infunny
7. Time for a nap
8. Comfortable?
My 7-year-old was not interested in going to school today.
byu/Camillavilla inpics
10. Mom seems a little overzealous
It’s gonna be another loooooong year.
Those photos are absolutely hilarious. Share yours in the comments!