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It’s easy to think that the world around us is a bad, bad place, and turning on the news certainly doesn’t help. But the truth is that there are actually a lot of good people out there doing some truly wonderful things.
1. A Kenyan runner gives water to a dehydrated competitor.

Photo Credit: Imgur
As a result, she lost her lead and ended up finishing 2nd.
2. She raised $750,000 for a friend’s treatment.

Photo Credit: GoFundMe
7-year-old Dana created a GoFundMe account for her friend, Mila, who suffers from Batten disease. She started selling cookies to neighbors under the name Cookies 4 Mila.
Mila’s treatment cost $700,000, and Dana managed to raise $750,000!
3. Fighting superstition

Photo Credit: Facebook, Anja Ringgren Lovén
Back in 2016, Danish philanthropist Anja Ringgren Lovén found an abandoned child wandering the streets in Nigeria. Apparently, he was suspected of being a witch according to local superstition. Anja rescued the poor boy, and set up a foundation to help similarly affected children.
4. 6-year-old gives away 170 pairs of shoes.

Photo Credit: GoFundMe
After seeing a homeless man without an umbrella or shoes on a rainy day, this young man spent the next five months raising $7,000 to buy 170 pairs of shoes, ponchos, and socks to give to the homeless.
5. Internet raises 7,000 Euros for old woman after she’s fined 2,000 Euros

Photo Credit: Facebook,
Anna Leeb is an elderly woman who collected bottles from a railway station as a way to supplement her income. After a change in management, however, railway security forbade her to collect anymore and even fined her 2,000 Euros.
Once the story hit local press, people were very upset. A fundraising campaign raised enough money to pay her fine and then some – around 7,000 Euros all told.
6. Simple gestures make life better

Photo Credit: Facebook, Paula Accorsi Picard
This elderly gentleman was hesitant to use the escalator when this young man came up and offered to help. On the way down, the man confessed he’d gotten stuck on an escalator once and had been afraid ever since.
7. A valuable lesson

Photo Credit: Facebook, Redd Desmond Thomas
This young man in the subway couldn’t properly tie his tie. Seeing his distress, the lady in the red coat asked her husband to help him, and he didn’t hesitate for a minute to show the young man how to do it right.
8. The sweetest boy in the world

Photo Credit: GoFundMe
In 2016, 5-year-old Walt saw an ad campaign urging people to donate children’s pajamas for families who had just adopted. It made such an impression that Walt asked his family to give him only pajamas for the holidays, and gave all of them away. He even set up a foundation with the sole aim of donating pajamas!
9. A truly kind gesture.

Photo Credit: Imgur
Jeremy works for Vitamix, a famous juicer company. One day at work, he met a woman who needed a juicer. As he talked to her he found out she needed it so she could improve her diet, an essential step in her fight against cancer. Sadly, she couldn’t afford it due to the cost of her treatment.
A short time later, Jeremy presented her with the $400+ juicer, free of charge.
10. Returning the favor

Photo Credit: GoFundMe
UPDATE: This story turned out to be a scam. Read what happened here:
Kate McClure was driving to Philadelphia when her car ran out of gas in a bad neighborhood. She was quite scared, until a homeless man told her to stay in the car since it wasn’t safe. He left, and came back 20 minutes later with a can of gas. He’d spent his last $20 to get it for her.
Kate had nothing to give back at the time, but kept coming back over the next few weeks to give him a hat, jacket, socks, and food. Then she started a GoFundMe on his behalf, and so many people were moved by the story that she raised $400,000 for him in just two months!