Picking a username can be easy, if you’ve got a go-to or use your social media for professional reasons. It can be harder if you’re trying to be cagey, funny, or creative – all of which people on Reddit are often keen to do.
For this reason, people on the site are totally delighted when someone with a seemingly random username finds the perfect comment to reply to on the perfect post – they crow that the “username checks out,” and here are 10 unbelievably funny examples.
10. Idk I’m not going to bet against him.
Sharks or no.

Image Credit: Pleated-Jeans
9. No more and no less.
Not promising accuracy, of course.

Image Credit: Pleated-Jeans
8. What is life without a dadbot?
It’s sad, that’s what it is.

Image Credit: Pleated-Jeans
7. They never miss an opportunity.
This could go on for days.

Image Credit: Pleated-Jeans
6. He can’t help it.
It’s right there in his username.

Image Credit: Pleated-Jeans
5. Everybody has one.
Especially on Reddit.

Image Credit: Pleated-Jeans
4. Someone is defensive.
I think that’s a sign.

Image Credit: Pleated-Jeans
3. You just had to wait for it.
Everyone knew it was coming.

Image Credit: Pleated-Jeans
2. They showed up for the glory.

Image Credit: Pleated-Jeans
1. He always pops up.
You just have to sing the first few notes of his song.

Image Credit: Pleated-Jeans
The internet is such a strange place, but I wouldn’t have it any other way. Because not only is it entertaining, it’s so weird that it actually makes me feel like I’m kind of normal.
How do you choose a username? Let us in on your secrets down in the comments!