Some people actually enjoy cleaning their homes, but for the rest of us, it’s kind of just something to get through so that we can actually enjoy our spaces (or invite people over to those spaces without feeling judged).
You know, like our mothers.
It can be easy to fall into a rut with our cleaning routines, and most of these 10 tips have fallen by the wayside over the years – but why?
If you check them out, there’s a good chance you might be re-energized and ready to try some new-old tricks!
1. Minty.
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We all know how smelly our trash cans can get inside AND outside the house, especially when the weather is warm.
So Michael Sienkowski of Norwich, Connecticut says, “If you grow mint, cut a fresh sprig and place it in the garbage can every day. It keeps the can smelling fresh all season long.”
2. Keep the moths away.
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If you want to keep moths away from your clothes, Mrs. T. Peterson of Knife River, Minnesota says, “Make your own mothballs by mixing oil of cloves and oil of cinnamon, then soaking cotton balls in this mixture. Place the cotton balls in muslin bags and hang them in your closets.”
3. Less dust is good.
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Have you ever cleaned the air vents in your home? If not, you should really remove them and get them clean twice a year.
A woman named Marge Grandy of Flippin, Arkansas, says, “I run all my metal heat and air conditioning vent covers through the dishwasher every spring and fall. It saves lots of time and does a better job than doing it by hand.”
4. Make your own glass cleaner.
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Forget about going to the store to buy glass cleaner…you should make your own instead!
Here’s how to do it, according to Mildred Zuercher of White Bear Lake, Minnesota: “Mix 2 ounces rubbing alcohol, 2 ounces of ammonia and 12 ounces of water. Add a drop of blue food coloring and mark it clearly to distinguish it from other cleaners. Pour into a spray bottle and use as you would a store-bought cleaner.”
5. Get rid of stickers.
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WD-40 really is the gift that keeps on giving, so you should always have a can of it around your house.
If you’re tired of scraping stickers off of new things you buy, follow the advice of Herman Ensey of Scottsbluff, Nebraska, who says, “Remove sticky price tags from glass by spraying with WD-40. It works well.”
6. Polish it up.
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If your silverware isn’t looking up to snuff, Lois Kreider of Lebanon, Pennsylvania, has you covered.
She says, “Place silver in an aluminum pan or in your kitchen sink lined with aluminum foil. Sprinkle with 3 tablespoons of baking soda and cover with boiling water. Let stand for 10 to 12 minutes.”
7. Remove the buildup.
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A lot of us neglect our shower heads and we really shouldn’t. That’s why it’s important to rid your shower head of hard water.
Jennie Krell, El Cajon, California says, “Pour some white distilled vinegar in a plastic bag and place it around the showerhead so the head is completely submerged. Tie the bag around the pipe and leave it overnight. You’ll find the showerhead will spray like new again in the morning.”
8. This is cool!
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Is your furniture, tables, and cabinets filled with nicks and cuts?
If so, you should try this trick from C. Clingingsmith of St. Bonifacius, Minnesota. They said, “Rub them with a pecan nut. The oil of the nut will ‘re–stain’ the wood.”
Who knew?!?!
9. Get rid of the glue.
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We all know how hard glue can be to remove from ANY surface.
So if you’re struggling with the sticky stuff, Mary Yoder, Montezuma, Georgia, says, “When you must remove a spot of glue, use vinegar. It’s a good glue thinner or remover.”
Give it a shot!
10. Rubbing alcohol.
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And finally, if you have kids and they like to use crayons and markers to draw on things they’re not supposed to (like the walls), Claire Utt of Winfield, Kansas, thinks that rubbing alcohol will solve your problems.
She said, “Rubbing alcohol easily removes ink from clothing and crayon marks from woodwork and wallpaper.”
I think at least a few of these deserve to be dusted off and thrust back into the light of day.
Can you vouch for any of these? Tell us about it in the comments!