#5. They’ve been honored for contributing to the advancement of TV.
#4. They contribute to science in amazing ways.
According to NASA:
“In this way, for decades, researchers have carefully traced the moon’s orbit, and they’ve learned some remarkable things, among them:
(1) The moon is spiraling away from Earth at a rate of 3.8 cm per year. Why? Earth’s ocean tides are responsible.
(2) The moon probably has a liquid core.
(3) The universal force of gravity is very stable. Newton’s gravitational constant G has changed less than 1 part in 100-billion since the laser experiments began.Physicists have also used the laser results to check Einstein’s theory of gravity, the general theory of relativity. So far, so good: Einstein’s equations predict the shape of the moon’s orbit as well as laser ranging can measure it. But Einstein, constantly tested, isn’t out of the woods yet. Some physicists…believe his general theory of relativity is flawed. If there is a flaw, lunar laser ranging might yet find it.”
#3. Buzz wants us to keep pushing.
Here’s that tweet from 2015:
#2. They need to remember to pee.
#1. They get to see the coolest shit.
He got a lot of great shots from up there.
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