
11 Hilarious Signs That Encouraging People to Wear a Mask

You already know the drill—masks should be worn in public to slow the spread of COVID-19. So why do people continue to flaunt the rules?

Some establishments have taken matters into their own hands and have banned non-mask wearers entirely, no ifs, ands or buts. And in many instances, as they’ve reopened for business, they’ve created some fun signs to let the public know that things have indeed changed.

Check out 11 clever signs with one all important message—wear your mask!

1. Mask, mask, baby.

The only time Vanilla Ice was ever cool.

Started making signs for my coworkers. Rules need to be funky, yet firm.
byu/Overxelas infunny

2. You’re already a bit on the ghoulish side.

And you don’t want to see your grandmother again that soon, do you?

Masks required sign at this small clothing business is absolutely savage
by inMasks4All

3. Enough of your shenanigans, Karen.

Looks like the Dirty Buffalo has heard it all.

Photo credit: Reddit

4. Simple and straightforward.

Do what they say or you can buy your hardware elsewhere.

Hardware store is over it
by inMasks4All

6. Do we have to spell it out?

You should be able to follow simple directions.

I saw this sign today.
byu/hstisalive infunny

7. Gandalf means business.

It’s never a good idea to upset a wizard.

Told to make a mask sign for office door. Took up the quest. WWGD = What Would Gandalf Do
byu/DecrepitTreeHouse infunny

8. You say “patriot,” we say…

…that there are consequences for not masking up.

9. Do it for the tacos.

If you don’t wear a mask, you don’t get to experience the taste of one of the most perfect delicacies the world has ever seen.

My local taco place has a sign that says “no face mask, no tacos”
byu/bubbanauts inmildlyinteresting

10. Yes, she may be a few miles away.

But she must be protected at all costs!

11. Come on; we’re not your mom!

Save yourself the embarrassment.

Sign at John Boys Mercantile, Alsea, OR.
byu/pdxsumers inMasks4All

What are some of the best signs that you’ve seen that promote masks?

Let us know in the comments below!