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I’m starting to realize that there is no easy stage of parenting. There are some that will suit you better, probably, and some that are inherently more adorable than others, but overall, each stage has it’s ups and downs.
When it comes to parenting teens, the best way I’ve heard it described is “bigger kids, bigger problems,” which means you can no longer just fix everything with a bandage and a kiss.
How do these 11 parents feel about the teen years? Luckily, they all think it’s amusing enough to make us laugh.
11. Thirty-eight is for sure the minimum.
I wish they would make it cost more, then maybe they would conserve.
10. He understands it’s not about looks, right?
You know what, don’t answer that.
9. There’s no third option.
Well, maybe she’s a pod person.
8. It happens to the best of us.
But like I said, it’s only your rose-colored hindsight that makes you think parents of littles have it easy.
7. Out of sight out of mind.
Of course, so is all of your silverware now.
6. Who doesn’t love that?
At least there are snacks.
5. Drama is their strong suit.
Oscars all around!
4. They don’t even know that you’re messing with them.
Because they really think we’re that dumb.
3. Who says we’re the superior species?
Just because we’re SMART?
2. Murder shows have gotten to us.
I’m not going to stop watching, though.
1. It’s the ‘do’ that’s most important.
The rest of it will fade away eventually.
I hope I’m still laughing when my little boys are eating me out of house and home and gassing me with their dirty socks.
At least they’ll get my sarcasm then. That’s something.